Titan Esports Club VALORANT -tiimi
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80% Losses
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70% Losses
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34% Wins
66% Losses
Jonottaa Titan Esports Club
Viimeaikaiset ottelut Titan Esports Club
Trace Esports1.182:1VALORANT Champions Tour China 2024: Stage 2 - Group StageTitan Esports Club4.65
Titan Esports Club8.82:0VALORANT Champions Tour China 2024: Stage 2 - Group StageFunPlus Phoenix1.021
Titan Esports Club1.991:2VALORANT Champions Tour China 2024: Stage 2 - Group StageTYLOO1.78
Titan Esports Club1.5960:2VALORANT Champions Tour China 2024: Stage 2 - Group StageAll Gamers2.145
Titan Esports Club1.80:2VALORANT Champions Tour China 2024: Stage 2 - Group StageJD Gaming1.89
Nova Esports2.182:0VALORANT Champions Tour China 2024: Stage 1 - Group StageTitan Esports Club1.65
Titan Esports Club3.112:1VALORANT Champions Tour China 2024: Stage 1 - Group StageBilibili Gaming1.296
EDward Gaming1.072:0VALORANT Champions Tour China 2024: Stage 1 - Group StageTitan Esports Club7.8
Dragon Ranger Gaming1.542:1VALORANT Champions Tour China 2024: Stage 1 - Group StageTitan Esports Club2.41
Wolves Esports1.281:2VALORANT Champions Tour China 2024: Stage 1 - Group StageTitan Esports Club3.3
Tapahtumat Titan Esports Club
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VCT 2024: China Kickoff
What is the current roster of Titan Esports Club Valorant
In last matches for Titan Esports Club played: Rb, Kawaii, AC, Abo, B1ack
When is the umcoming match for Titan Esports Club Valorant
Information about the upcoming Titan Esports Club matches is currently unavailable. Stay tuned on EGamersWorld
What is the nearest tournament with the participation of Titan Esports Club Valorant
Upcoming tournaments Titan Esports Club will play in EGamersWorld